The joy of growing skills


  • Build a change platform

    Recently McKinsey published its in McKinsey insight an interesting article which title was "Build a change platform, not a change program".  You will find the articl link here or on our campus. MECETT is a perfect tool to develop those platforms enabling change.   Let us explain you how!

  • The method ECETT finalist of the PEER AWARDS

    After the silver medal 2013 for training and people development of the magazine Training Journal, the method ECETT (MECETT) is now nominated as finalist of the prestigious "PEER awards" 2014 of the newspaper "The Independant" in the category "people development".  read more.

    Read more ...  


  • Training on the method

    To be informed of the dates of training on the method please send us a mail.



formation_01_ENEcethos provides workshop training for the implementation of the method. The workshop describes the components, the conditions for success, the step by step implementation  with the key milestones, the formats of the roadmaps and assessments, the required level of involvement of the managers and, of course suggests the parameters for the measurement of the effectiveness

The training includes a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to implement the method in the networks of registered trainees. 


The training includes a license to use non-exclusive, nontransferable for the implementation of the method in the network of registered training.

The courses are generally held for groups of 10-15 people to allow everyone to ask questions he wants and to encourage interaction among participants.

The training can be given to registered participants either individually or to companies or networks on the site of their choice.