Build a change platform
Recently McKinsey published its in McKinsey insight an interesting article which title was "Build a change platform, not a change program". You will find the articl link here or on our campus. MECETT is a perfect tool to develop those platforms enabling change. Let us explain you how!
The method ECETT finalist of the PEER AWARDS
After the silver medal 2013 for training and people development of the magazine Training Journal, the method ECETT (MECETT) is now nominated as finalist of the prestigious "PEER awards" 2014 of the newspaper "The Independant" in the category "people development". read more.
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Training on the method
To be informed of the dates of training on the method please send us a mail.
Build a change platform
Recently McKinsey published its in McKinsey insight an interesting article which title was "Build a change platform, not a change program". You will find the articl link here or on our campus. MECETT is a perfect tool to develop those platforms enabling change. Let us explain you how!
The method ECETT finalist of the PEER AWARDS
After the silver medal 2013 for training and people development of the magazine Training Journal, the method ECETT (MECETT) is now nominated as finalist of the prestigious "PEER awards" 2014 of the newspaper "The Independant" in the category "people development". read more.
Silver Award 2013
The Method ECETT receives a Silver Award from UK magazine TJ
Ecethos at the "Standing Conf. on Organizational Symbolism"
Philippe Courard, state secretary, says his satisfaction on the operation of Trempoline and his interest in the value proposition of Ecethos
Mister Philippe Courard, state secretary in charge of social integration and of the fight against poverty has visited Trempoline this Friday April, 29 in order to meet the residents of the institution. He shares his impressions on the excellent work done in Trempoline and on his interest for the method Mecett for the professionals working in the sectors for which he is in charge.(in French). See the video
State secretary, Philippe Courard expressed his interest in Mecett
Published in french by "Vers l'Avenir of April 30 2011
Philippe Courard expressed also his interest in the work of the network developped by Trempoline since 2003. Initially, it was about exchanging good practices on the treatment of addictions among multiple therapeutic communities across Europe. Similarly to the "Compagnons du Tour de France" but with the difference that, in this case, one can share as much as learn.
Ecethos at the 1st Walloon Summit of Quality Management
Emmanuel Orban and Georges van der Straten shared their experience on the method mecett at the closing session of the first summit of quality management held on 24 Novembre 2010
Ecett-Networks has been founded
Chatelet, February 2011: The NGO Ecett-Networks has been founded by the originators of the method MEcett. Its mission is to offer to professionals of the associative world a learning method based on the principles of Compagnonage. Ecethos, sponsor of the NGO welcomes the opportunity to participate in the growth of the association. While enjoying a remarkable method on outcomes, the customers of Ecethos will contribute to the development of social workers.