The joy of growing skills


  • Build a change platform

    Recently McKinsey published its in McKinsey insight an interesting article which title was "Build a change platform, not a change program".  You will find the articl link here or on our campus. MECETT is a perfect tool to develop those platforms enabling change.   Let us explain you how!

  • The method ECETT finalist of the PEER AWARDS

    After the silver medal 2013 for training and people development of the magazine Training Journal, the method ECETT (MECETT) is now nominated as finalist of the prestigious "PEER awards" 2014 of the newspaper "The Independant" in the category "people development".  read more.

    Read more ...  


  • Training on the method

    To be informed of the dates of training on the method please send us a mail.



 Chatelet, February 2011: The NGO Ecett-Networks has been founded by the originators of the method MEcett.  Its mission is to offer to professionals of the associative world a learning method based on the principles of Compagnonage.  Ecethos, sponsor of the NGO welcomes the opportunity to participate in the growth of the association. While enjoying a remarkable method on outcomes, the customers of Ecethos will contribute to the development of social workers.

Until 2010, the NGO Trempoline wore full legal responsibility of the Ecett network. The ongoing development of the project required a separation between the two organisations.

At the steering committee of the European Network Ecett which was held in Bologna in October 2010, it was decided to establish an autonomous association "Ecett-Networks" under Belgian law to support the development of the network and a quality proposal for the clients of therapeutic communities. The association, which is modeled the organisation of the Compagnons du Devoir, will consist of two colleges: the college of the host institutions and the college of experts from different professional networks: addiction, work social, youth welfare, etc. ...

A general assembly of Ecett-Networks will be held in September 2011 in Oxford and will present and the goals and organisation and all therapeutic communities, who wish to become members, will have the opportunity to apply for membership.